Avoid wedding day mistakes by following these super easy tips.
You have dreamt of this day your whole life and now it is here. You have planned, discussed and maybe even argued to make sure this day is perfect. But now your wedding day is around the corner! AVOID THESE MISTAKES!
- Timeline – Take the time to talk to your vendors to make sure the timeline will fit all of their needs. It is important for all the vendors to know what is happening. Your hair and makeup team needs to know when you are leaving for the church, your flower crew needs to know what time they can start setting up, your photographers need to make sure they need to arrive, etc.
- Don’t ask me any more questions – Pick someone else (besides you) to be in charge of questions on your wedding day. It is ok to tell people to not ask you any more questions on your wedding day! Your day is to be for you to relax and enjoyed!! Then lose your phone for the day! This can be your VIP person for the day.
- Make a list of Vendor names, phone numbers, important addresses including your getting ready room number for everyone to have. This will make communication easier for the VIP you put in charge.
- Something will go wrong – I know you don’t want to hear this. If you hear it now it will be easier when it actually happens. We just have to know that something will go wrong. It may be a guest that comes when they aren’t invited, a family member that said something they shouldn’t or a bridesmaid that didn’t bring her shoes…something is going to happen. When this something happens, we have to be ready to accept it and not let it get in the way of marrying the person of your dreams.
- Eat Food – Too many brides nearly pass out from lack of food or water. This can easily be avoided by just taking a moment to make sure you eat food and drinking water.
- Go To The Bathroom – When there is a bathroom –GO! The day starts to unfold so quickly that hours can go by without an opportunity to use the restroom. This can be problematic! This is great advice. Before you get into your dress –GO! When you get to the church –GO! Before you are introduced at the reception –GO!
- SMILE- Have you heard of Resting B$*#CH Face or RBF? To avoid this in your forever photos, SMILE. Some moments may be tough. The zipper may be stuck or your mom is pestering you…just smile anyway. You will thank yourself when you see the final photos.
- Big Getting Ready Room- Splurge for the bigger getting ready room. This will give you space for yourself. It can be overwhelming in the morning with everyone in one room.
- Party Bus – The party bus will be clutch for your wedding party to hang out in while you get your photos taken.
- Uplighting at the Reception- The uplighting will make your photos 1000% better when Seth and Beth are your photographers.
- Someone to open the church door – You would be surprised how many times no one is at the back of the church for someone to open the door for the bride’s big entrance to her wedding. Ask an uncle or a neighbor but make sure someone is at the back of the church to open the door for you.
- Dance – It’s ok if you didn’t make it to those last couple of tables. They will understand that you need to dance on your wedding day!!
Please enjoy this beautiful Pinnacle Golf Course wedding featuring Bailey and Joseph. Special thanks to all of the following incredible vendors for making this a perfect wedding.
Flowers: Madison House Designs
Band: Blue Water Kings
Bridal Gown: Tifinie Bleu Bridal
Cake: Donna Limes
Groom’s Tux: Mens Wearhouse
Venue: Pinnacle Golf Club
Photography: Seth and Beth Wedding Photography

See another Pinnacle Golf Course Wedding Here!
Seth and Beth Wedding Photography photograph another beautiful Pinnacle Golf Course Wedding which earned them a Huffington Post Spotlight Feature!

Vendors that we use!
Check out the Seth and Beth Podcast on Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ2SlzPDlR1znO4zeZteKig?view_as=subscriber
Black Smith Albums
Images Salon – https://theimagesalon.com/
DVLOP – https://dvlop.com/
Holdfast – https://holdfastgear.com/
Fundy – https://www.fundydesigner.com/
Magmod – https://magnetmod.com/
Fearless Photographers – https://www.fearlessphotographers.com/
Rangefinder Magazine – https://www.rangefinderonline.com/?blocked=true
Maharani Weding – https://www.maharaniweddings.com/2019-06-05/12573-columbus-oh-indian-fusion-wedding-by-seth-and-beth-photography
The Knot – Seth and Beth – https://www.theknot.com/marketplace/seth-and-beth-wedding-photography-grove-city-oh-837505
Huffington Post – https://www.huffpost.com/topic/wedding-photography
Shotkit – https://shotkit.com/wedding-photographers/

About Seth and Beth
Seth and Beth – Wedding Photography is a photography and cinematography studio based in Akron, Ohio. Seth and Beth are one of the most sought-after photography duos in the Midwest and are internationally awarded. They are Magmod supporters and Fearless Photographer Award winners. They have been featured by Rangefinder Magazine, Huffington Post, Shotkit, The Knot, Wedding Wire, Maharani Weddings and many more.
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